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About the APPG

“International students enrich our campuses and communities, bring talent and new perspectives to our lives, build links for us all around the globe and help us to contribute to a more prosperous and indeed more peaceful world.”


Lord Bilimoria

Why an APPG for International Students?

Our purpose:

  • to recognise the internationalisation and global prominence of UK education;

  • to promote the value of international students to UK education, economy and ‘soft power’;

  • to raise awareness of issues which affect international students and UK education;

  • and to provide a platform for collaboration between parliamentarians, international education institutions and professionals and business leaders.

Karan Bilimoria at IHE conference 2019

Our goals:

  • Promote the local, regional and national value of international education, emphasising the importance of international students to employment and educational opportunities at a local level

  • Promote the value of international students to the internationalisation of UK institutions and students, to the soft power of the UK abroad and to their home countries when they return with an internationalised education.

  • Provide a forum for discussion of the international student experience and sustainable approaches to internationalisation in the UK education sector.

  • Examine and respond to policy proposals and changes in regulation which might have a negative impact on the international education sector and its students.

  • Develop policies which would enhance the international student experience and the position of the UK in the global education market.

APPG first met

9 May 2016

Secretariat provided by

International students in the UK

Key statistics from the UK’s higher education sector

600 k
international Students
1 %
of the student population
£ 1 bn
net economic impact
100 +
home countries